Correct posture — how is it sustainable?

Below the correct position is the ability of a person to keep the body upright posture relaxed, not straining all of his muscles. Each of us standing and sitting in a certain position, the adoption of which happens out of habit. How direct this is a physiological strain, and to determine the degree of "correct" posture.

Correct posture — how to maintain

The basic formation of posture occurs in childhood, but this does not mean that adults can't fix your posture, get rid of his violations and to achieve the right body position. In addition, the "spoil" your posture is possible and in adulthood: for example, sedentary lifestyles and small mobile lifestyle. Curvature of the spine can lead to painful sensations and diseases, and also cause deterioration of the appearance of a person.

The causes and consequences of bad posture

The normal spine is physiological curves of the lumbar and thoracic spine. However, these curves can be broken, strengthens, smoothes.

The main causes of such problems are the following:

  • birth injuries;
  • uncomfortable desks and too heavy backpack during the school;
  • the fall in early childhood, the led output value is limited injury;
  • abnormal gait and posture in childhood, which is not controlled and not corrected parents/teachers;
  • lack of exercise, which causes weakening of the muscular corset;
  • long to maintain bad posture (mainly work tasks);
  • uncomfortable, ill-chosen clothes and shoes forced to take the wrong position on the body;
  • cancer diseases, infectious diseases and other diseases that affect the condition of the spine;
  • a variety of injuries.

The consequences of incorrect posture can be divided into several types:

  1. Scoliosis – lateral curvature of the spine recorded in the front of the plane.
  2. Kyphosis – curvature of the spine thoracic spine backward in the direction of the sagittal plane.
  3. Lordosis – curvature of the spine the lumbar spine forward in the sagittal plane.
The causes and consequences of bad posture
As already noted, problems with posture often in childhood. And not the last role in this school in a backpack, where children are forced to use every day. Doctors have found that in order to make a portfolio does not affect the child's spine, his weight should not exceed 10-15% of the weight of the baby.

In addition, incorrect posture often causes degenerative diseases that lead to reduced mobility, pain, and even disorders of the entire musculoskeletal system. We talk about osteoarthritis, osteoartroosi, and between the vertebrae hernias.

If to speak about the aesthetic consequences of improper posture, we can note the hunched silhouette, the concave inside of the chest is convex and therefore visually more voluminous abdomen, and many other unpleasant changes in the appearance of a person.

What would be the correct position

You can check whether you have correct posture, is quite simple. Lean against the wall back and note the location of the heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and neck. All of these parts of the body are simultaneously in contact with the wall, and you don't need to put in the effort, straining the muscles in order to achieve this effect. By the way, you can say that you have the wrong position.

Another simple test is to ask someone to make a shot from behind. Then the resulting image to draw a straight line, three rows: ankle, hips and shoulders. These three features must be parallel to each other, otherwise you can't talk about the presence of curvature.

The main features are correct, physiologically correct position are the following:

  1. Taut, flat stomach. Of course, the appearance of the stomach depends on the people in the Constitution, however, the correct posture always make us visually more slender in this area.
  2. A slight bulge in the chest area. Don't do the "chest out" or, on the contrary, align the spine, as if his stiff Board. The correct position necessarily includes a slight natural curves of the spine.
  3. The vertical position of the head.
  4. Relaxed and slightly dropped her shoulders. It does not reduce the blades or too to raise the shoulders as it is, again, unnatural our spine.
  5. A slight twist to the leg knee, light, flying gait.

Use the correct position

  • improving the functioning of many internal organs and systems, and, therefore, improve the overall health;
  • withdrawal discomfort, pain in the upper body (back, shoulders, neck);
  • prevention of scoliosis, osteoporosis and other diseases that make a person unattractive and impair his health;
  • to prevent the formation of the so-called "beer belly", which is not insured, even people with light skin;
  • better mental focus, concentration;
  • to increase self-esteem, healthy self-confidence, which is so necessary to achieve the objectives.
The biggest enemy of good posture is shoes with heels. Walking in such shoes will inevitably cause the change of the slope of the body, which leads to violation of posture and even the appearance of systematic pain in the lower back. And those women who regularly wear high heels, can, over time, and did not earn herniated discs.

Simple exercises to improve posture

As already mentioned, bad posture is not a death sentence even for adults. It is quite possible to adjust, and on their own, using simple and clear exercises. They are suitable for those who have a deviation from the correct position of the spine, has not yet become a serious chronic disease, such as scoliosis. By the way, improve your posture is also possible, but already in this context, the special medical complexes.

The starting position of the first group of exercises – the same as when checking the correctness of the posture. Leaning against the wall so that your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulders and the back of the head at the same time touched him (the person with impaired posture to maintain such a position requires muscle strength).

When such a station, follow these instructions:

  1. Hold the pose for three to five minutes.
  2. Keeping all the above points of contact with the body with the back, alternately lift the legs, bending them at the knees. Do this exercise 10 times for each leg.
  3. Perform in turn tilts to the right and to the left (10 times in each direction), trying not to break contact, that the heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the nape of the neck to the wall.
  4. Squats against the wall, keeping all the upper point of contact with the body wall. In other words, you have a little "slide" down the wall, and then in the same way. 10 repetitions of exercises is enough.
A good way to correct posture is swimming. When a person is in the water, the weight force of the load on the spine is greatly reduced. Thanks to this strengthening of muscular frame on the spine, improve the tone of the muscles near the vertebrae, and the muscles of the back and chest. All this has a beneficial effect on your posture.

If you are keen to achieve a significant improvement in the posture, so do not be amiss to strengthen the muscular frame.

Very useful for this next exercise:

  • regular push-ups;
  • maintaining the position of "plank" for 30-60 seconds ("strap" refers to maintaining the body's upright posture, while resting only on your toes and forearms);
  • exercise "boat" (the same time lift both arms and legs stomach abdomen);
  • hold the hand weight up and straight arms at shoulder level (exercise done in a sitting position, hold the hand weight should be 5-7 seconds per lift).